UI/UX Design with Figma

In this course, we’ll explore the key aspects of UI/UX design and what you can expect to learn on your journey to becoming a skilled designer.

In this course we will learn step by step how to design a landing page / mobile app / dashboard / SaaS landing page, from where we will look for inspiration, how we will generate ideas, how we will select color typography, everything in details.

In addition to design, we will also look at things like how we can turn a problem into a solution, how we can do a design task analysis, how we can present a design to a recruiter, how we can write our CV, how we can do our case studies. We will discuss all these issues in detail. In short we will learn everything you need to know to become a professional UI/UX designer. So what are you waiting for. Enrol now to join our next batch.

UI/UX Design with Figma

Best UI/UX Design Course: Build Great Designs For Clients

In today's fast-paced digital era, the significance of UI/UX design has reached unprecedented heights. As our lives become increasingly intertwined with technology, the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) play pivotal roles in determining the success or failure of digital products and services.

Onine Course:

Current Course Fee: 8,000 BDT    Regular Fee: 12,000 BDT

Course Overview

Part 01 (Fundamental)

  1. Fundamental of UI/UX Design , Task, Deliverable
  2. Human-centered design (HCD)
  1. Theory with practical example

Part 02 (UI Design)

  1. Selection
  2. Frame
  3. Responsive Layout
  4. Grid
  5. Lock / Unlock
  6. Guide
  7. Using Shapes
  8. Auto Layout
  9. Place Image
  10. Using Color
  11. Shadow
  12. Using Text
  13. Export
  1. Visual Hierarchy
  2. Emphasis
  3. Proposition
  4. Pattern
  5. Unity
  6. Contrast
  7. Balance
  8. Repetition
  9. Rhythm
  1. Brand Color
  2. Functional Color
  3. Feedback Color
  4. Accent Color
  5. Neutral Color
  6. Color Contrast
  7. 60-30-10 Rules
  1. Principles
  2. Scale
  3. Font Pair
  4. Brands font example
  5. Basic Typography Rules For UI Design
  1. Input elements
  2. Output elements
  3. Helper elements
  4. Discussion with all UI Elements
  1. Web Template Size
  2. Grid (12 column grid, 4/8px grid)
  3. Artboard
  4. Responsive Layout
  1. Practical Wireframe Design
  1. Practical Style Guide Create & Basic Idea of Design System
  2. Understanding the core concept of the design system.
  3. Atlassian’s Design System
  4. Material Design System
  5. IOS Design System

Part 03 (UX Design)

  1. Problem Research
  2. User Research
  3. User Interview
  4. Online Survey
  1. Competitive Analysis
  2. User Persona
  3. Empathy Mapping
  4. Shot Analysis
  1. Focus Group Discussion
  2. Card Shorting
  3. Information Architecture
  4. User Flow
  1. Wireframe (Low and Mid)
  2. UI Design
  3. Usability Testing
  4. Feedback Analysis
  1. Cognitive Load
  2. Jakob’s Law
  3. Fitts’ Law
  4. Hick’s Law
  5. Von Restorff Effect
  6. Gestalt Principles
  7. Thumbzone
  1. Theory Discussion
  1. How to analysis a design task
  1. How to present a design task in interview

Part 04 (Career Discussion & Extra Theory Class)

  1. Freelance marketplace (Upwork, Fiverr & Others)Project Work
  1. Creating Resume
  2. Case Study Development
  3. Job Interview
  4. Design Review
  5. Design Jam
  6. Communication Skill
  7. Whiteboard Challenge
  1. LinkedIn Profile Create
  2. Design Retro
  3. Agile Methodology
  4. Waterfall Model
  5. Agile vs Waterfall
  1. Interview Guideline
  2. Client requirements
  3. Double Diamond Design Process
  4. S.M.A.R.T. Goals Framework
  5. Heatmap
  6. Problem-solving process
  1. Interview Guideline
  2. Client requirements
  3. Double Diamond Design Process
  4. S.M.A.R.T. Goals Framework
  5. Heatmap
  6. Problem-solving process

Course Content Part-05: Branding and Freelancing

This course should be your number one choice when growing your freelance career or business on the top freelance marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork. In this course you’ll learn:

  • How to create a stand-out brand strategy and design that will make a lasting impact
  • How to ensure that every aspect of your brand is aligned with your vision
  • How to create your target audience and the importance of having a target audience
  • What is a unique selling point or USP and why it’s important for every freelancer
  • How to identify, describe, and test your USP
  • How to define your brand’s story that immediately engages an audience
  • How to navigate the essential brand elements like logo, color, and typography
  • Scheduled Social Media Posts with Graphics
  • Embed your Design into an Existing Website
  • Create your Brand Kit (Color Palette, Fonts, Logos, etc.)
  • Create a Custom Social Media Header
  • Transform Designs into Animations (.mp4 and .gif format)
  • Design Graphics of all Sorts
  • Introduction to Fiverr
  • How Fiverr Works
  • Create Your Seller Profile
  • Creating Gig The Right Way: [How to Create Your Gigs with Killer Descriptions, Picking the Right Gig Image and Video,
    Pricing, Packages, and Gig Extras, Order Requirements]
  • Successfully Manage and Deliver Projects, and more
  • Buyer Requests
  • Fiverr Forum
  • Introduction to Upwork
  • Features of Upwork
  • How to Create A Stunning Profile on Upwork
  • Specialized Profiles
  • How To Add A Portfolio
  • How to Create Project Catalogs to Offer Ready to Sell Services
  • How To Write A Winning Cover Letter

This course is created by the Top Rated freelancers from Fiverr and Upwork. You’ll learn proven strategies from the experts during the course and kickstart your freelance career.